Tuesday 26 January 2010

Analysis of Legally Blonde

The first frame fades into an extreme close up of the main characters' (Elle Woods) blonde hair, waving from side to side. The score immediately starts of ''Perfect Day'' by Hoku. The score automatically represents the genre and feel of the film, and appeals straight away to the target audience. The close up of Elle's hair means that the audience can only focus on one thing- exactly that. The audience can only see her blonde hair, which straight away brings up the first and maybe main issue of the film- blondes. It also gives us a clue to how her character i going to be. Titles fade in and out, with pink swirly writing. This writing again appeals to the target audience, as it is pink and girly, with things like hearts incorperated in it. The camera then starts to slowly zoom out to a close up of the back of Elle's head, still focused on her hair. It shows Elle brushing her hair. Her nails are manicured, giving the audience more clues about her character- that she is ''girly'' and cares a lot about appearance.

It then cuts to a long shot of a girl riding a bike. The camera tracks along side her giving the audience a clear view of the mise-en-scene. There is a water fountain, showing that it is not a poor area. There are a lot of people around, with diegetic sound of laughter and talking. This adds to the happy atmosphere in which everyone seems to be in and introduces us to where we are. But still, because the camera is following the girl on the bike, we are focused on the story, too.The score is still playing.

Next, it cuts again to a mid-shot of Elle shaving her leg. We still cannot see her face, which forces the audience to concentrate on what we can see and put these things together to work out her character. Her leg is leaning on a pink chair of some sort, and in the background we can see a pink curtain. Again, these things contribute to what the audience think of her character- we can see that she is definitely a ''girly'' girl, maybe even more so than we first thought. The camera is still, showing no intention of showing us her face yet. This causes more suspense. The score is still playing.

It then cuts back to the previous scene, in which there is a water fountain, greenery and lots of people. The camera is moving around the setting, showing the girl on the bike and the other people in the mise-en-scene e.g people playing frisbee. This camera movement adds to the lively and fun atmosphere of the place and emphasises the happiness. The girl on the bike is wearing shorts and a small T-shirt, with her hair down and she has a basket on the front of her bicycle. She looks like another ''girly'' girl. The camera carries on moving around the setting until it is a long shot of a group of topless young guys messing around, playing sport. They all stop and turn around, and the girl rides into the shot. There is diegetic sound of the boys cheering and shouting at the girl riding past. This shows what life is like where they live, and suggests one of the main focuses of the film- love.

The camera then cuts to a close up of Elle Woods putting on a silver heart necklace. It also reveals the top of a pink dress, and again shows her manicured nails. It again, forces the audience to think about her character and creates tension of what she will look like. The score is still playing underneath.

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