Friday 29 January 2010


Our costume plays an important role in our sequence. We have two characters that are the same person just at different ages. To show that they are the same person we will need to show similarities between them. To do this, costume is one factor where we can show the audience they are the same.
For our main 'adult' character, Owen Haynes, he needs two sets of costumes, as he is in different places on two occasions. In his first scene, he is in a gym so the sort of costume he needs is going to be; shorts and a t-shirt, or tracksuit botttoms and a vest top or mix and match them all. This is to show the audience that he is in a gym not out on the street. The costume will instantly make the audience know where he is. His footwear will be simple training shoes, such as trainers.
For his second scene, he will be outside and will be wearing clothes that suit his standards. So he will be wearing jeans and a hoodie. The hoodie is an important element as he will put up his hood in one scene, to mirror what he does as a child. So hopefully watching this contrast it will indicate to the audience that they are the same person. His footwear in this part will be trainers also or something similar.

For our other character, the child version of Owen, he will have similar clothes to the Owen that walks around outside. So he too will have jeans and a hoodie on. To symbolise their similarities the hoodie will lift over his head. As well he will have trainers on or something similar. As this character comes on before his older version the audience will not have an idea who he is until older Owen does the similar things mirroring his younger version.

We have one more character who gets hit by adult Owen. He plays a more imortant role in the whole film but for this opening sequence he doesn't matter too much. He will be wearing just casual clothes, so either a tracksuit or jeans and a top and jacket, or something that will indicate a lot of questions to the audience about who he is and why he got punched.

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