Tuesday 26 January 2010


Font 1: We thought that this font could be good as the small lines surrounding the letters look like lines you would see in a picture to show something was moving. We thought this would relate to the theme of boxing, as there is a lot of movement, like his gloves and the punchbag.

Font 2: We liked this font because we liked the way in which the letters were all slanted in different ways. It makes it not look quite stable, like our character. The letters slanting different ways could show that our character does not know which way to go- revenge, boxing, forgiveness, etc? Also, we liked the way in which the letters seem to fade out at the top/bottoms. We thought that this could represent the way in which the aspects in his life are fading- like values, family, and even his ambitions.

Font 3: We really liked this font because we thought it was different.There are a lot of slashes through the words, looking like a knife has been through or suggesting violence which relates to our film. Also, on the 'R' there is a cross going straight through it. This stands out and links to the title of our film which is religious; ''Eye for an Eye''

Font 4: We liked this font because it gives a sense of danger and suspicion. It could look like graffiti on a wall, which matches one of our locations; the alley. The letters are not placed in line, corresponding with the character who is also out of line in many respects.

Font 5: We thought that this font was good because it hides some parts of the letters, which could represent the character of Owen hiding behind his boxing and anger. The font, like the film, asks a lot of questions.

Font 6: We thought this font looks like it could have been written by a young child. This corresponds with Owen's personality as he is still living in the past, and is obsessed with his childhood.

Font 7: This font reminds us of prison, which links to our film as Owen ends up in prison by the end of the film. The way in which the letters are not linked up could represent how he is not complete as he feels he still needs to get revenge.

We narrowed down these seven choices to two possible fonts; Font 3 and Font 4. We decided that one of these fonts would be the most appropriate for our film opening sequence. After debating over which font to use, Font 4 was our final decision. We chose Font 4 as it looks like graffiti which relates to our character growing up in a run down area and the film itself.

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