Thursday 21 January 2010

Title Ideas

Worked Up - This was just a simple idea thought of as the phrase 'Worked Up' has a double meaning. The first is our character working up as a boxer to achieve his goal. Secondly it could refer to his emotions getting worked up and losing control.

Justice - We thought that this could be a good title as it sums up what the character is aiming for. The character believes what he is doing is getting justice, but the family of the victim end up with the justice when he ends up in prison.

Retribution - Retribution is another way of saying 'revenge'. The character wants revenge on his childhood bullies, but him and his victim both end up paying for their actions.

Eye for an Eye - This title is from a quote from the Bible- ''an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'' meaning that ''what goes around comes around''. Our character believes that the bullies should have a taste of their own medicine.

We have decided to use Eye for an Eye because it best fits the moral of the film which is ''treat others how you wish to be treated''.

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