Thursday 18 March 2010

1) In what ways does your Media Product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real Media Products?

Our opening sequence uses many conventions of film opening sequences; we looked at opening sequences such as Green Street, Dead Man's Shoes, Snatch and Legally Blonde.

Through watching these, we established some of the main conventions of film opening sequences. We believed that the main conventions of the beginning of a film were:

Introducing characters - We have introduced our main character, Owen Haynes, through the use of voiceover and his boxing image. The main focus of our sequence was to present Owen to the audience to incorporate his way of life and his childhood difficulties. We changed the accent and native of Owen from Cockney/English to Irish as we believed that the Irish accent put on by our actor, Toby Zahiri-Sellers, sounded more 'thuggish' and fitted with his character and appearance.

Introducing Story Line - This was also shown through the use of the voiceover. The voiceover explains the main plot of the entire production; it projects Owen's childhood, his path to boxing and implies his misdemeanors-

''My name is Owen Haynes. Last summer something happened in my life to make me realise I gotta make something of myself; my mate, Danny, from school, convinced me to join his gym. Little did I know it was specialised in boxing. Boxing really wasn't my thing, you only had to look at me to know that; when I started I was the same small, scrawny little bastard as I was when I was a kid. I was constantly looking over my shoulder, I didn't think that anything could be worse than my childhood. I always wanted to get something out of life, i think now is the time for that to happen..."

Our voiceover was inspired by the voiceover of Elijah Wood's character Matt Buckner in Green Street. We thought that it was a clever way of introducing the actions and thoughts of the character.

Introducing setting (through use of mise-en-scene) - We used two settings in our opening sequence to help portray elements of our character; the gym and the alley way. The gym helped give a sense of the character's background via his personality and hobby of boxing. Also, the gym helps foreshadow the violence that would happen later on in the film. In addition, the alley way is in association with crime, drugs, etc which helps define Owen Haynes' character and hometown.

Grab Audience's Attention - In order to grab the audience's attention, we covered up the face of our main character to present the character in a mysterious manner. In the voiceover, there were things about Owen that were revealed but not everything as this also adds to the mystery of his character and this makes the audience want to find out more about him.

Genre - Our film opening sequence consists of various genres.
These include:

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