Thursday 18 March 2010

7) Looking back at your Preliminary Task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

During our Preliminary Task we used the 3 principles of continuity;

Match On Action Shot

Shot Reverse Shot

180 Degree Rule

This gave us an indication and some good ideas for our full media product. However, we did not use any of them because during our sequence our actor was never in conversation with another character. This was a personal choice which we could look back and reflect on, to improve our product. For example, looking back over our planning process, we could of added in another character so we could include the three principles. Not using these gave us idea's of using it on a future product.

We learnt how to use the camera and microphone. This helped us with our final product as we were able to keep the camera steady whilst filming and get the angles we wanted to achieve.

During the editing of our preliminary task we learnt how to use the basic functions of FinalCut Pro. We were able to use the skills we learnt to help us log and capture our final product footage. Also we were able to cut out the parts we were not using as this is what we learnt during our preliminary exercise. By knowing the basic functions of FinalCut Pro we were then able to work on using the more complex parts of the program like transitions and video filter effects, it also gave us an advantage as we were able to log and capture and edit our footage with less trouble and mistakes.

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