Thursday 18 March 2010

2) How does your Media Product represent particular social groups?

In our film opening sequence, only the main character, Owen Haynes, is introduced. He first appears putting tape on his hands and then shortly after, boxing. This has particular relevance to the film and the character, as it represents the violence and aggression involved. Owen Haynes is not representing a clear and defined social group, but he is representing young, sporty men from a working-class background. He is stereotypical as he is interested in sport and fighting, and he wears a hoody. The mise-on-scene too, is a typical place for the character to be. Owen Haynes is walking down an alley way. Alleys have a lot of connotations, mainly involving crime. In addition, Owen's character himself could be a connotation of the alley way. Throughout the opening sequence, we do not see Owen Haynes' face. This gives him a more mysterious look and adds danger to him. It again, contributes to the representation of his social group. There is not one specific film genre that our film would class as, so the representations in our film is not typical for it. Furthermore, I do not think that our character of Owen Haynes is typical for any film genre.

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