Thursday 18 March 2010

3) What kind of Media Institution might distribute your Media Product and why?

Our film would be distributed by a company such as Fox Searchlight because they are associated with smaller films.

Other films Fox Searchlight have distributed are:
  • Adam

  • Juno

  • 500 Days of Summer

  • Slumdog Millionaire

Fox Searchlight distribute unique and distinct films that introduce new actors.

Our media product, An Eye for an Eye, does not classify into a particular genre of film. The storyline is slightly unconventional and there is elements of Drama, Sport and Crime conventions.

Fox Searchlight, or another independent company, would be more suitable and likely to distribute our film due to the unconventional approach we took in creating our media product.

Our film would also have to have a low budget meaning we would have an independent company distributing our product.

Never Back Down, is a sporting film similar to our media product. This film was distributed by Momentum Pictures and Universal Studios.

These companies are leading companies in the UK (momentum pictures) and the USA (universal studios). If our film was of a higher budget, these companies would be appropriate to distribute our media product as they distribute all genres of films, including films like Never Back Down, which are a similar genre to our product.

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