Monday 8 March 2010

Filming Completion

After completing the filming of the alley/walking scenes, we were on course to continue filming our Boxing scenes.

On Thursday 4th March, we used a friend's garage to implement our Boxing sequence. After spending approximately 3 hours, we collected enough footage - 8 minutes 37 seconds (to be precise) - in order for our group to work with and commense on successfully editing our opening sequence.

Due to our actor being ill, we had to put back the filming of our 'child on a swing' and 'child walking' scenes from Thursday 4th March to Friday 5th March. This piece of filming has now been completed and the voice over of our character Owen Haynes is the piece of audio/filming that is yet to be completed and is expected to be done on Monday 8th March which will then put us into good stride to start finalising our opening sequence.

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