Thursday 18 March 2010

4) Who would be the audience for your Media Product?

A certificate of 15 years would be on our Media Product as it would not include any sexual references but the product would contain violence and some bad language that would not be appropriate for people of a younger age but on frequent basis.

The BBFC permits the following within the bounds of the 15 certificate:
No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate to 15 year olds.
Language: There may be frequent use of strong language; the strongest terms are only rarely acceptable. Continued aggressive use of strong language and sexual abuse is unacceptable.
Nudity: There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.
Sex: Sexual activity and nudity may be portrayed but without strong detail. The depiction of casual sex should be handled responsibly. There may be occasional strong verbal references to sexual behaviour.
Violence: Violence may be strong but may not dwell on the infliction of pain, and of injuries. Scenes of sexual violence must be discreet and brief.Imitable techniques: Dangerous combat techniques such as ear claps, head-butts and blows to the neck are unlikely to be acceptable. There may be no emphasis on the use of easily accessible lethal weapons (in particular, knives).
Horror: Sustained or detailed infliction of pain or injury is unacceptable.
Drugs: Drug taking may be shown but clear instructive detail is unacceptable. The film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug use.

People who can associate with our character, Owen Haynes, such as a troublesome childhood or releasing anger through a sport like boxing would be the audience of our Media Product.
People interested in boxing may watch the film due to the boxing impact; they may watch it as the theme is attractive to them.
Gender wise, our film would attract more of a male audience due to the content of violence and boxing there is involved.
The film would also interest the younger generation such as teenagers and people in their 20's as they are the people more likely to be able to relate to the film and characters within it.

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