Thursday 18 March 2010


The first stage of our editing was cutting all the parts of the footage that were not useable out. We were then left with the correct amount of footage. We put it all in order to match the sequence on the storyboard. We had to adapt the order due to the changes we then needed to make on the storyboard.
We then added in the titles to the sequence on Final Cut Pro. We originally had these over the footage but some of the shots did not flow and we did not want to over use the fading effect. We moved them to in between shots and this made the shot transitions clearer.
After all the shots were in order we started adding the effects. We wanted the child scenes to look as though they were a dream from the past. The best way to achieve this was to add an additive fade in fade out effect. Also to make sure it was clear these shots were from the past we added a black and white effect. This is a traditional use of effect to show past events.
We put the production logos at the front as this is the place in which they go in films that have been released.
Once we were happy with the sequence we then worked on the soundtrack. We used Soundtrack Pro to create a simple piece of music to go beneath the voiceover. We used You OK and Distorted Portamento 1. These two sound effects create the music throughout the whole open sequence. For the Eyeline Studio Production logo we used Computer Data 2 for when the white part of the eye moves. For the Draak Production logo we used Dinosaur Growl and Explosion Blast 4.
We recorded the voiceover straight onto Final Cut Pro. We recorded the monologue in separate sections so we could have the voice throughout the whole sequence. This allowed us to put the correct part of the monologue over the child scenes. Also we could put the end of the monologue on the end shot so the voiceover finishes as the footage fades out.

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